We understand Applied Economics in Energy
Timothy S Snyder

Timothy S. Snyder
Tim is a degreed economist from Texas Tech University, with a B.S. degree in Agriculture and Applied Economics. Upon graduation, Tim began his career with Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. as a securities and commodities representative. After becoming Syndicate Coordinator, for his office, Tim worked with mergers and acquisition teams within Dean Witter and worked on risk management options for feed lot operators and grain elevators in the Southwestern US as well.
In September of 2000, Tim accepted the position of Director or Marketing for the National Grain Sorghum Producers. His responsibilities were to help build and develop markets for the varying uses of grain sorghum, in the US and abroad. During his tenure at NGSP, Tim began work in conjunction with other state and national commodity groups to build opportunities in renewable energy for grain sorghum. In 2003, Tim formed a NGSP subsidiary, Sorghum Synergies, LLC and served as its President. This company was dedicated to the development of renewable energy opportunities for grain sorghum in the ethanol industry across the US and abroad. At the pinnacle of ethanol development, Tim was credited with bringing Ethanol to Texas and the Southwest US, and growing demand for ethanol to record levels. Tim’s team of professionals were credited with passing legislation to provide development funding for ethanol in Texas and Oklahoma, and on the same day!